Perintah dasar IRC

Discussion in 'FAQ' started by dono, Mar 8, 2014.

  1. dono

    dono Team Ayochat Staff Member


    Untuk langkah pertama silahkan register nick : Register Nick : /msg NickServ Register <password> <email>
    Kemudian lakukan Verifikasi Nick lewat email, periksa email kamu dan cari email dengan subyek/judul AllNetwork Nickname Registration. /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER <nick> <key>
    nb: Verifikasi nick harus dilakukan maks 24 jam setelah melakukan registrasi nick. Jika sudah lewat 24 jam, nick akan kembali DROP

    Identify Nick
    Saat kita masuk ke IRC jangan Lupa melakukan Identify : /msg NickServ identify nick passwordnick
    dan apabila nick kita ada yang make` gunakan command ghost : /msg NickServ ghost nick passwordnick
    supaya nick kita aman dan tidak dipakai orang lain maka sebaiknya di lakukan :

    Enforce Nick
    /msg NickServ set enforce on
    Jika nick kita udah di enforce maka jika dalam waktu 30 detik kita nggak identify akan jadi User****
    NickServ- This nickname is already registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ identify <password>.
    NickServ- You have 30 seconds to identify to your nickname before it is changed.
    NickServ- You failed to authenticate in time for the nickname CoNaN
    * Your nick is now User****

    /msg NickServ set hidemail on
    Hidemail digunakan untuk mennyembunyikan email kita saat di info

    Info Nick
    Kalau mau tau info Nick : /msg NickServ info nick

    Flag Nick
    Kalau mau cari tau berapa jumlah flags pada nick nick kita : /msg NickServ listchans

    Logout Nick
    Kalau mau logout Nick :/msg NickServ logout

    Ganti Nick
    Cara mengganti nick : /nick <nickbaru>
    contoh : /nick inu

    Set Away Message
    Cara mengeset away nick : /away <pesan-away>
    contoh : /away makan

    Chuck Away Message
    Cara mengembalikan away nick : /away
    contoh : /away

    MemoServ Command

    1. DELETE
    DELETE allows you to delete memos from your inbox. You can either delete all memos with the all parameter, or specify a memo number. You can obtain a memo number by using the LIST command.
    Syntax: DELETE all|<memo number>
    /msg MemoServ DELETE all
    /msg MemoServ DELETE 1

    2. FORWARD
    FORWARD allows you to forward a memo to another account. Useful for a variety of reasons.
    Syntax: FORWARD <user|nick> <memo number>
    Examples: /msg MemoServ FORWARD kog 1

    3. IGNORE
    IGNORE allows you to ignore memos from another user. Possible reasons include inbox spamming, annoying users, bots that have figured out how to register etc. You can add up to 40 users to your ignore list
    Syntax: IGNORE ADD|DEL|LIST|CLEAR <account>
    /msg MemoServ IGNORE ADD kog
    /msg MemoServ IGNORE DEL kog
    /msg MemoServ IGNORE LIST
    /msg MemoServ IGNORE CLEAR

    4. LIST
    LIST shows you your memos in your inbox, including who sent them and when. To read a memo, use the READ command. You can also DELETE or FORWARD a memo.
    Syntax: LIST
    Examples: /msg MemoServ LIST

    5. READ
    READ allows you to read a memo that another user has sent you. You can obtain a list of memos from the LIST command, or delete a memo with the DELETE command.
    Syntax: READ <memo number>
    Examples: /msg MemoServ READ 1

    6. SEND
    SEND allows you to send a memo to a nickname that is offline at the moment. When they come online they will be told they have messages waiting for them and will have an opportunity to read your memo. Your memo cannot be more than 300 characters.
    Syntax: SEND <user|nick> text
    Examples: /msg MemoServ SEND Kog pay your bills

    Credit: Conan [Staff] dan Masinu [member IDWS]
    Sumber: Forum IDWS

    1. Register Channel = /cs register (#channel) (password) (desikripsi)

    2. Identify Channel = /cs identify (#channel) (password)

    3. Successor = /cs set (#channel) successor (nickname)

    4. Drop Channel = /cs drop (#channel)

    5. Ganti Pass Channel = /cs set (#channel) passwd (password lama) (password

    6. Lupa Pass Channel = /cs sendpass (#channel) (email)

    7. Founder Baru (Identify #Channel Dulu) = /cs set (#channel) founder

    8. Mailblock = /cs set (#channel) mailblock (on/off)

    9. Private = /cs set (#channel) private (on/off)

    10. Set Description = /cs set (#channel) desc (deskripsinya)

    11. Set Topic = /cs set (#channel) topik (topiknya)

    12. Set URL = /cs set (#channel) url (alamat url-nya)

    13. Set Mlock = /cs set (#channel) mlock (tulis modenya)

    14. Set Restrict = /cs set (#channel) restrict (on/off)

    15. Set KeepTopic = /cs set (#channel) keeptopic (on/off)

    16. Set TopikLock = /cs set (#channel) topikclock (off/sop/founder)

    17. Set Memo Channel = /cs set (#channel) memo (none/aop/sop/founder)

    18. Set OP-Guard = /cs set (#channel) opguard (on/off)

    19. Add/Del Sop = /cs sop (#channel) (add/del) (nick)

    20. Add/Del Aop = /cs aop (#channel) (add/del) (nick)

    21. Lihat List Op = /cs (aop/sop) (#channel) list

    22. Akick Nick = /cs akick (#channel) (add/del) (Nick!*@*)

    23. Akick Ident = /cs akick (#channel) (add/del) (*!ident@*)

    24. Akick IP Address = /cs akick (#channel) (add/del) (*!*@IP Addressnya)

    25. Akick List = /cs akick (#channel) list

    26. Op List = /cs (sop/aop) (#channel) list

    27. Lihat Akses = /cs why (#channel) (nick)

    28. Unban = /cs unban (#channel) (nick)

    29. Invite = /cs invite (#channel) (nick)

    30. Info = /cs info (#channel)

    31. Access Channel = /cs access (#channel) (nick op)

    32. Count = /cs count (#channel)

    1. Ganti nick = /nick (nick baru)

    2. Notice = /notice (nick) (pesan)

    3. Masuk Channel = /join (#channel)

    4. Keluar Channel = /part (#channel)

    5. Keluar IRC = /quit (pesan)

    6. Ganti Server = /server (nama server)

    7. Private = /query (nick)

    8. Invite = /invite (nick) (#channel)

    9. Mode I = /mode (nick) +I

    10. Ignore = /ignore (nick)

    11. Action = /me (pesan)

    12. Whois = /whois (nick)

    13. Away = /away (pesan)

    14. Balik Away = /away

    15. Ping = /ping (nick)

    16. Bersihkan layar = /clear

    Credit: CoNaN [Staff] dan Masinu [member IDWS]
    Kazame likes this.